Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mic packed up consequently working...?

ok okay i use this thing call ventrilo and i talk to my friends contained by it but when i talked to them they said they couldnt hear me, so i go to test my mic and its gone down then i unplug it and replug it and it works. So i communicate to them again and they say its gone down then i turn back to tryout it the mic isnt working... So i tested a couple times and it turns out everytime i unplug and plug it works for like 10 second, wat should i do? The mic and cord is in ideal condition because i just bought it and my mic doesnt work contained by Counter Strike or anything else unless i unplug and plug it.

Mic packed up consequently working...?

do you more then one spot to plug into try another if you do.it could also be factory deformity for the mic

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