Ok so. I enjoy always have problems with my mic approaching it wouldn't work (I had to not plug it contained by all the mode for it to work) and I eventually had to cassette it up the side of my tower to get it to work. Well I thought it's only an old mic. When eventually it in recent times cut out so I bought a new one hoping to not hold the problem anymore. But I am still having MAJOR issues. I cannot plug the mic within all the mode or it wont work. I have to be constantly twisting the cord around to catch it to work. And even when it does work it's a lot of static. I don't ever hold any other issues with my nouns but I'm starting to wonder if maybe something is wrong near my sound card. I really don't know what to do. Any sustain would be greatly appreciated!
Mic Issues. Can someone minister to?
It's does sounds like a problem near your sound card.
Even if you never have issues with it, it doesn't close-fisted anything. It can be just the mic jack that go wrong.
Maybe you can do another check by getting a working mic from a friend of yours, and try it on your computer. If it won't work, It indicates that it is a problem with the nouns card.
Best Regards,
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