Friday, September 17, 2010

I've found unrecognized characters within my Pen drive?

i'm using transcend 2 GB Pen drive. Whenever i rightclick it, it shows unrecognized characters instead of Open and explore menu. i also checked for any virus thread using NOD 32 antivirus s/w. But not detected any thread however. Reason?

I've found unrecognized characters within my Pen drive?

It is a virus. Do not use ur pendrive it will spread to ur whole system.

To verbs the virus from ur pendrive do this:

Connet the pendrive to ur pc.

If it tries to autoplay reverse it

go to my computer

In the address dowel type the letter of ur pendrive(like j:\)

copy the files u involve in the rock-hard drive ( do not copy any file u dont recognize)

Then format the pendrive.

If u own double clicked the pendrive then the virus have already spread to your pc. Soon adjectives the drives in ur notebook will show these charecters. Then u amy need to format ur workstation or ur pc will eventually crach. :(

The answers post by the user, for information single, does not guarantee the right.

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