Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mercury Motherboard?

Hey. Yesterday I bought a mercury motherboard beside a processor and I installed it the visual did not come so I took it to the company where on earth I bought it. They said that the processor caused some problem to the motherboard. But that company is not taking it for warranty. Does anyone know what to do?

Mercury Motherboard?

Do you enjoy a warranty? Also, did you buy the CPU from them? If so, they must take it pay for under cost of law. If you did not, next you're screwed.
You see,

Every mother has its own tedh dub:

805, 845, 915, so on.

The suitable processor and sdram/ddram, etc will be known thro th disc given alongwith the motherboard.

Read the CD near the help of another computer.. Read it and affix componenets which are only allowed...

Was the processor that you bought inwardly the specifications mentioned for that motherboard.if it was ...later tell the Mercury guys you will sue them or purloin them to the consumer courts!

On a more positive note .please other buy Intel or MSI motherboards ...i know they are expensive ..but believe me they are worth every single penny!

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