Friday, September 17, 2010

Issue beside +3.3V power supply on motherboard?

I enjoy had an ASUS P5PE-VM motherboard for a few months immediately and I have started to experience computer lockups whenever I do something resource intensive - playing games in the main. I have very soon reliased that the +3.3V power supply is dipping all the passageway down to about 2.8V a moment ago before the lockups go down and I'm fairly sure that it's related. I hold a Thermaltake 450W PSU so I'm positive it's got zilch to do with that. I a short time ago don't know what is causing it or how to fix it. Can anyone support?

Issue beside +3.3V power supply on motherboard?

have you added any strange hardware lately? sometimes new hardware can make happen a dip in power resources cause these lockups.

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