Friday, September 17, 2010

Keyboard and mouse out of order?

My chief is setting up her computer in her different office and her mouse and grand piano appear to be hooked up correctly, yet they don't work. They be working fine two days ago when she used them last. She tried another the ivories in the port and that did not work, any. We tried a USB mouse and that worked, but when we tried a mouse that has equal plug as the other one, it didn't work.

Is this a problem with the drivers? Is in attendance a simple solution or should we call our IT guy on Monday?

Keyboard and mouse out of order?

try plugging them within and then restarting your conmputer
If your bureaucrat was using same upright even previously then drivers are installed so it should work.but it doesn't right??. even another the ivories didn't work it must be a problem about port...(you a short time ago check out whether is there any loose nouns or connection is proper or not)

and for the mouse i devise the problem is in the mouse itself...( hold u installed the drivers of the mouse that didn't work??..if not installed it.) If it still doesn't work you hold no option but christen the guy

pet friendly rentalss

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