Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is nearby a faster opening to verbs everything from a external USB HDD to a external Firewire HDD through mac?

I did a copy and bond but there's about 114 gigs to be transferred and it say it's gonna take 34 hours, I'm not unbelievably patient I call for these files in a hurry. I could lone do this through mac. Is there another disk utility I could use or a mac compatible program to verbs with?

Is nearby a faster opening to verbs everything from a external USB HDD to a external Firewire HDD through mac?

That is the method I transfer on my Mac. I guarantee it will not lift 34 hrs to transfer. It is an estimated time that adjust frequently. It can be very deceiving. It will be done transferring anywhere between 30 min to 3 hrs depending on your Mac.

The answers post by the user, for information one and only, does not guarantee the right.

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