Friday, September 17, 2010

Keep getting usb bugcode blind of i requirement to update drivers or use usb self powered hub?

run hardware test..adjectives seems fine...changed run into to 512mb from 256mb...still no use..will rebooting with cd rom drivers etc lend a hand..?

Keep getting usb bugcode blind of i requirement to update drivers or use usb self powered hub?

Well update the drivers first. Bad drivers are the cause of 90% of crashes within Windows.

If you're only getting the BSOD when several devices are connected via USB but everything is fine next to only one or two, next a powered hub usually is the fix.

The USB spec states how much power compliant devices are allowed to draw from the system bus, but many times manufacturer use a little more- not satisfactory to cause a problem on their own, but conceivably if other devices aren't playing exactly by the rules, too.
Never heard of a usb problem these are fundamentally rare are you sure you hold the devices set up on your system.

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