Friday, September 17, 2010

Is nearby a track to procure a PSU to deliver power in need person connected to a mobo.?

Lets influence I had to PSU's and an underpowered video card (which I do). How could I enjoy one of the PSU's delivering power short having it plugged into a motherboard?

Is nearby a track to procure a PSU to deliver power in need person connected to a mobo.?

In most cases, no. The explanation is that the motherboard has a mitt in helping control the output of the PSU to adjectives of the peripherals and when there is no mobo connected in that is nothing to moderate the power person delivered to you video card. Howvever, you may be capable of free up power by getting a better PSU or removing useless drives
Wouldn't be a heck of a lot easier to only just get a more powerful psu? They are not that expensive.

You risk twist to your video card trying this
The gfx card gets it power from the motherboard, so you cant purely power it from another PSU. Youll probably short circuit your whole motherboard and fry adjectives components if you even try

Just buy a higher powered PSU
Impossible really. You're mobo have to have sufficient power even to run the fan. With PSU's and computers, it's pretty much an all or nil thing. Using two different PSU's? I hope you approaching watching things go boom! Even if they are alike wattage and everything, they don't run in sync beside eachother, and I can guarantee you, things will go boom. If you want a higher wattage PSU to run something, you own no choice but to just get hold of it. And if it costs $20, don't get it...

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